Additional configurations

For a full description of the options, use the help option — also on each subcommand, as they might have additional options available:

mccli --help
mccli ssh --help
mccli info --help

motley_cue endpoint

motley_cue is the server-side software that handles the mapping of OIDC identities to local accounts. mccli queries motley_cue’s REST API to trigger local account provisioning or retrieve the local username to be by SSH.

Ideally, as a user you do not need to know anything about it. However, you might encounter the following error message: No motley_cue service found on host.

This means that the motley_cue API is not running on one of the standard ports: 443, 8443, 8080. In that case, please contact an administrator of the SSH server for more information, and then pass the API URL via --mc-endpoint to every mccli command.


With this option, mccli does not run the given SSH command, but prints the corresponding sshpass command that can be used to SSH into the server. In addition, it will trigger the deployment of your local account on the remote machine if the account doesn’t exist.

For example,

mccli ssh --oidc egi --dry-run ssh $SSH_SERVER

will output something like:

SSHPASS=`oidc-token egi` sshpass -P 'Access Token' -e ssh -l user001 $SSH_SERVER

This means your local account on the remote host is user001.

This could be useful if you want to run this command on a different machine that doesn’t have mccli or Python installed.


Access more logging information with the following options:

--log-level <LEVEL>



Sets the log level to DEBUG.

Or simply set the environment variable LOG to the desired level.